Wednesday 22 April 2015

Top 20 Health And Fitness Myths

1.  Isolation exercises are more important than compound exercises

Not true! Compound exercises are actually vastly superior to isolation exercises when you want to build muscle and they are also important for functional fitness.

Isolation exercises only work one muscle group whereas compound movements work multiple muscle groups.

This helps with increasing an anaerobic response in the body, because you are engaging multiple muscle groups at the same time, which, means that strength training workouts can help to burn more fat.

Functional fitness is the use of exercise moves that mimic day to day life and train muscle groups to work together, and that is where compound exercises serve you best by improving performance in daily activities, and eliminating risk of injury, something especially important as we age.

Balance is something often overlooked by people when they design their fitness regimens. Balance training also allows for healthier aging, can go a long way to avoiding the typical falls seen in seniors, and is something that is a by-product of many compound exercises. 

2. Carbohydrates make you fat

Poor old carbohydrates really have a bad reputation, but it really is undeserved, as they certainly don’t make you fat unless eaten in quantities that increase your calorie intake well beyond your needs and you only eat simple carbs, like, sugar, cakes and cookies.

The key is to eat good carbs, and not simple sugar carbs.

Complex carbs including, whole grains and vegetables are your best sources, while simple carbs, like sugars and white starch, should be kept to a minimum because they are not nutrient rich and are therefore not quality calories.

Carbs are necessary components of an overall well-balanced diet. The more variety you have in your diet, the more nutrients you consume and the better health you will enjoy.

Also, if you want to gain muscles then you need carbs. When you eliminate them you might burn more fat during workouts, but, you will not have the energy for long term effective workouts because it is carbs that fuel intense workouts.

Summing It All Up

Well there we have it, the Top 20 Health and Fitness Myths of 2014.

Remember that when it comes to health and fitness everyone has an opinion, next time you hear something that just doesn’t seem right be sure to do some research before diving in head first and believing the latest myth, something especially useful when it comes to expensive hype, such as, supplements.


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