Wednesday 29 April 2015

50 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat No:10

Stuff food—If you fill the centres of your food with wholesome ingredients, you’ll be eating as much food, but reducing your caloric intake.  Here are a few examples of this:

•        Take your hamburger and scoop a hole in the middle of the meat before you cook it.  Fill it with some type of vegetables such as:  mushrooms, olives, or whatever else you like.  Then, if you’ve used the recommended serving size of three ounces, you’ve made it look much bigger, made it be more filling, and made it much leaner.  If you would have added more ounces of hamburger to make it that size, it would have been much less healthy.  

•        Stuff your meatballs with grated carrots, zucchini, or squash.  This will add vitamins and moisture as well as size to your meatballs without changing the flavour. You’ll be able to make your meatballs bigger, and not add calories and fat.
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