Tuesday 14 April 2015

Top 20 Health And Fitness Myths

18. The more you sweat, the more fat you burn

Not true! Sweat is the body’s acclamatory adjustment in response to heat, it occurs in an effort to cool you down, and it can just as well be the result of working out in a hot room than from a particular workout.

The true gage of workout intensity and therefore optimal fat burning is target heart rate. Also, when you do workouts, like HIIT, Tabata or Kettlebell training you go into the anaerobic state, where you are literally gasping for air, and that is the best fat burning environment.

17. The longer the workout, the more effective it is

Wrong! Really wrong!

High Intensity Interval Training and Tabata are proof of that. Experts say and the science backs up the fact that doing short bursts of very intense movement, followed by short periods of rest, such as that seen in Tabata and HIIT for 15 minutes even once a week is more beneficial and yields better results than doing an hour of traditional cardio (fat burning zone) 3 days a week.

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