Friday 17 April 2015

Top 20 Health And Fitness Myths

                11. To lose fat and weight, you should not eat fat

Wrong! Healthy fats play critical roles in our health and wellness because they play key roles in internal body functions and also help prevent chronic disease, like that of the heart because they help to control bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Fat is also important to maintain healthy hormone levels and make use of vitamins. Fat is also necessary for muscle growth and it helps to regulate the appetite.

The key is to focus on healthy fats, like, olive oil, fish and fish oils, avocadoes, flaxseeds and raw nuts, A diet without fats that is mainly comprised of carbs and protein can make any fat-loss or muscle-building goals virtually impossible to reach.

            12. If you don’t eat a lot of fruit you are not healthy

The truth is that vegetables are a better choice in produce. This is not to say that you should not eat fruit, but, vegetables have more nutrients and much less calories and sugar, plus, the sugar in fruit is known as fructose, which is stored in the liver instead of in the muscles.

Some people eat fruit all day without considering the amount of sugar they are ingesting. All vegetables, especially the green ones, should fill the largest part of your plate at every meal and snacks for that matter.


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