Friday 3 April 2015

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss No:15

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


15. Yard Work

If you’re one of the many people who think exercise is about as pleasant as a hot poker in the eye, keep in mind that you don’t have to do traditional exercises to build muscle and burn fat.
There are a number of activities that burn calories at a high rate, and yard work is one of them.
Raking, sacking yard waste, and planting burn about 300 calories per hour, while mowing with a power mower burns about 330.
An hour of mowing with a manual mower burns about 400 calories per hour, and pulling weeds for an hour burns about 350.
In addition to burning calories, yard work is effective for building muscle and improving flexibility, and it’s also a great way to work on your tan. You can bump up the calorie burn and work your muscles even harder by naturally incorporating simple exercises into your yard work routine.
For example, instead of kneeling on the ground while you weed, start from a standing position, lower yourself slowly into a squat, pull as many weeds as you can, then raise yourself back up using your leg muscles. As you water the lawn and garden, rotate your upper body as a single unit at the waist, reaching as far right as you can and moving back to the left to work your core muscles.
By making all of your movements slow and deliberate, you will burn more calories and build more muscle as you enjoy tending to the yard. This same principle applies to housework, such as picking up, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and doing laundry.

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