Monday 6 April 2015

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss No:16

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


16. TV Commercial Workout

The TV commercial workout is ideal for couch potatoes who dread lacing up the running shoes or hitting the gym.
Instead of getting up for another bowl of ice cream during commercials, get up off the couch and do some simple exercises to burn calories, improve strength and rev up your metabolism.
An hour-long TV show contains about 18 minutes of commercials. If you watch just two shows a day, this workout can give you 36 minutes’ worth of exercise to help you lose weight and improve muscle tone.
During just one hour long TV show, you can burn 92 calories by doing jumping jacks or crunches during the commercials, or you can burn 205 calories by jumping rope during the ads. You can also perform pushups, crunches or squats, or use hand weights to perform standard weight training exercises.
If you want to get a full-body workout in during your two hours’ worth (or more) of TV, alternate exercises during each commercial break. For example, during the first break, do crunches. During the second break, jump rope. During the third break, perform squats, and so on. By the end of the evening, you will have worked all of your major muscle groups, gotten in some cardio and burned a number of calories.

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