Thursday 16 April 2015

Top 20 Health And Fitness Myths

14. Cardio should come before strength training

Not true, it is more effective to strength train first because doing cardio first will reduce glycogen levels in the body and can prevent an efficient strength workout. But, doing weight training first will actually increase the production of testosterone (in men) and cortisol (in women), both of which are beneficial to working out.

13. The scale determines your true fitness level

Did you know that muscle weighs more than fat? If you workout and strength train with weights the scale may not represent your true fitness level. Then there are inches, some people lose inches while the scale stands still.

And, the scale cannot assess a true amount of body fat, for that you can use a body fat calliper that offers an accurate reading.

Then there is the BMI, Body Mass Index Scale that can tell you where you place on the obesity scale, it takes into account parameters beyond weight.


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