Monday 13 April 2015

Top 20 Health And Fitness Myths

When it comes to fitness it’s often hard to sort the fact from fiction. It seems that everyone these days has an opinion and everyone is a self-appointed fitness expert. There is quite a bit of hype about health and wellness, a lot of which comes from marketing campaigns that aim to sell us something easy, the magic pill, or the latest and greatest product that will make us well.

The truth is that there is a lot of misinformation in the world of health, and since being armed with accurate information is half the battle, today we will count down the Top 20 Fitness Myths.

20. If I workout I can eat whatever I want
Wrong! Healthy weight management is all about calories in and calories out. You still have to make sure you burn more than you eat, period.

What is true is the fact that those who workout regularly can eat more than those who don’t because they burn more during the workout and even when at rest because their metabolism is boosted.
 But, you still have to consider that an apple has 95 calories, while a slice of apple pie has 277.

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