Monday 20 April 2015

Top 20 Health And Fitness Myths

8. Carnitine is a potent fat burning supplement

The research has been done and this supplement is without doubt nothing but unsubstantiated hype. Carnitine won’t help you lose fat and even in suggested doses can have some seriously unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects.

7. Cardio should only be done early morning on an empty stomach when trying to lose body fat

If you prefer to do your cardio first thing in the morning before breakfast that’s perfectly fine, but it is certainly not essential for fat loss. You can do it in the afternoon, or late evening. Once again the most important ingredient for fat loss is expending more calories than you consume.

5. High protein diets are essential for fat loss

The best fat loss diet is one that you can stick to. Most dieters quickly find that all or nothing fad diets don’t work for long term fat loss.

Try to eat smaller portions several times per day instead of 3 big meals and increase your physical activity when aiming for fat loss.


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