Sunday 19 April 2015

Top 20 Health And Fitness Myths

                      9. Lifting weights will make women bulky

Many come to this conclusion after seeing photos of female bodybuilders. But, it’s not just lifting weights that have made these women bulky, its also steroids, taking growth hormones and a very particular regimen that takes a ton of effort.

Ladies, lift weights, build strength, tone muscle, it’s all good for you and you will not turn into a bodybuilder.

                 8. You can’t lose weight without doing cardio

To lose weight all you need to do is expend more calories than you consume. How you do this is completely up to you. Many like to do cardio when trying to lose weight, but it is by no means required, though, it allows you to eat more and enjoy better heart health, stamina, and increased energy levels.

Older people benefit from aerobic activity even more because as we age our metabolism slows way down and exercise helps to boost it.

By the way, cardio is old news, you are better off ditching the hour on the treadmill and doing 10 to 15 minutes of HIIT.

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