Wednesday 20 May 2015

50 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat No:32 & 33

                            Tips to help lose weight quickly.

32.    Rinse canned beans—Beans such as kidney beans are a great way to add both fiber and protein to a meal.  Canned beans, however, contain a lot of sodium.  This can give you a bloated feeling as well as cause high blood pressure.  Rinsing them, however, washes away that high sodium content and makes them healthy again.

33.    Make your side dishes thicker—If you use evaporated milk that is fat-free in dishes like mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese, you will give them a thicker texture that will seem more filling.  In addition to that, you’ll be taking in more calcium per cup without all the fat.

Following a few little tips can help with weight loss.
You can download my book free with all the tips to lose belly fat.
I also have 5 other gifts which will help with your slimming.

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