Monday 4 May 2015

50 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat No:16 & 17

Great tips to help with your diet.

16.    Eat deli meats that are healthier—Deli meats aren’t all bad, you just need to learn to eat the healthier ones.  In order of health, first would be chicken or turkey.  Second is roast beef. Third is ham.  Lastly, are all the other processed deli meats such as bologna, salami, olive loaf, etc.

17.    Don’t drown your food—You may or may not be old enough to remember Timer from the science portion of School House Rock watched in your Saturday morning cartoons.  If you do, then you know he had a slogan:  Don’t drown your food in catsup or mayo or goo.  It’s no fun to eat what you can’t even see, so don’t drown your food!  How many times have you seen someone prepare a nice, healthy salad only to pile on so much fattening dressing that it’s no longer healthy?  People will also pile on so much gravy that a lean piece of roast beef or turkey becomes unhealthy.  Topping with meat natural juices instead or using extra virgin olive oil that is seasoned on salads will keep your food healthy and won’t sacrifice the taste.

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