Friday 1 May 2015

50 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat No:12 & 13

12.    Change the toppings on your pizza—If you must have pepperoni on your pizza, consider adding at least two vegetable toppings.  If you do this for every meat ordered as a topping, you’ll have a healthier pizza.  The carcinogens in meats that are processed have been found to increase your risk of cancer, so you’ll not only be reducing your belly fat, you’ll be improving your health.

13.    Use oats to stuff meat recipes—Use oats that are in the same amount of other things you fill with such as crackers or bread crumbs.  Not only are oats better for you, because they have high fibre content, they taste the same, and can help you reduce your cholesterol. 
Download the book for free with the best diet tips.

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