Friday 22 May 2015

50 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat No: 36 & 37

                           Tips to help lose weight quickly.

36.    Avoid emotional eating—Sometimes people use food as a comfort.  When you’re hurt or upset, you turn to food to make you feel better. When you feel like eating just to eat and you know you’re not hungry, substitute it with something else like going on a bike.  If you must eat something, make it fresh fruits or vegetables.
While exercise is an essential part of weight loss, you should realize that exercises that target your abdominal area won’t help you burn the fat.  They will define the muscles there, but in order to achieve those abs, you first have to get rid of all the fat you have in your belly.  Here are a few tips you can use to exercise your way to less belly fat:

37.    Walk—Try to get in at least 10,000 steps each and every day.  If you have a sedentary job, this may be difficult for you.  Schedule a time and place to do brisk walking every day.  If you can’t, then choose a few other walking activities like parking at the far end of the parking lot at work or when you go to grocery or department stores.  Take the steps instead of the elevator.

Following a few little tips can help you with weight loss.
You can download my book free with all the tips to lose belly fat.

I also have 5 other gifts which will help with your slimming goals.

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