Monday 18 May 2015

50 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat No: 30 & 31

Tips to help lose weight quickly.

30.    Boil your peanuts—If you boil peanuts for a few hours, they will have approximately four times the amount of antioxidants they have prepared any other way.  Boiled peanuts are a popular snack already in Asia, China, Australia, and the southern portion of the US.  If you haven’t tried them, the next time you want peanuts, give them a try.

31.    Balance your baked potatoes—Many people give up baked potatoes because of the high glycemic rating.  You can have them, however, if you balance them with a healthy topping like cheddar cheese, broccoli, mushrooms, or spinach.

Following a few little tips can help with weight loss.
You can download my book free with all the tips to lose belly fat.

I also have 5 other gifts which will help with your slimming.

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