Wednesday 13 May 2015

50 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat No: 26 & 27

Tips to help lose weight quickly.

26.    Keep frozen bananas on hand—Frozen bananas are great for making smoothies that are healthy and nutritious. They’re sweet, so they eliminate the need for sugary ingredients.  Frozen, they have the cold state for good thick smoothies and won’t go bad quickly like they can if they’re unfrozen.

27.    Eat chocolate—Yes, you read correctly.  So often, people ignore their cravings for chocolate because they feel it is “bad” for them.  Dark chocolate, however, is lower in fat and very high in antioxidants, so eating it will both satisfy your cravings and give you a healthy snack.  You can also shave dark chocolate into dishes like barbecue sauce or chili.  It gives it a good flavor boost, and will help you prevent heart disease as well as keep your cholesterol at a good level.  If you want a good night-time snack, take two tablespoons of dark chocolate and melt it in the microwave. Stir it with 4 ounces of vanilla yogurt and top it with about a tablespoon of almond slivers. 

Following a few little tips can help with weight loss.
You can download my book free with all the tips to lose belly fat.
I also have 5 other gifts which will help with your slimming.

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