Tuesday 2 June 2015

50 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat No: 44 & 45

50 Tips to help lose weight quickly.

44.    Keep good posture—Although you might not realize it, you use many core muscles simply to hold yourself up straight in good posture.  Keeping good posture while tightening your stomach muscles can strengthen both the back muscles and the abdominal muscles.

45.    Simple leg lifts—To tighten the abdominal muscles, lay flat on your back. Raise your feet about two inches off the ground and hold it to a slow count of ten.  Lower your feet and then do it again. Try to do this at least 10 times a day.  It is a simple basic way to begin to strengthen weakened abdominal muscles.

Following a few little tips can help you with weight loss.
You can download my book free with all the tips to lose belly fat.

I also have 5 other gifts which will help with your slimming goals.

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