Tuesday 31 March 2015

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss No:12

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


12. Step Aerobics

Developed and made popular in the late eighties by workout guru Gin Miller, step aerobics is a low-impact workout with excellent cardio and calorie burning benefits.
A 45-minute step aerobics workout will burn about 550 calories while targeting the muscles in the legs, hips, and bum, as well as work out the core muscles and improve coordination.
Step aerobics involves cardio routines that utilize an elevated platform. One foot is always either on the platform or the ground, which is what makes step aerobics a low-impact exercise.
An hour of step aerobics provides you with the same fat burning and cardio benefits as a seven-mile run. You can either enroll in a step aerobics class at the gym or invest in your own step and conduct the workout at home with the aid of a DVD. If you choose the at-home workout, it’s essential to buy a step that’s the right height to avoid injury.
A step that is too high puts more force on the knees, which can lead to soreness and injury. Choose a step that puts your knee at a 90 degree angle when your foot is resting on it. Your whole foot should land on the step during the workout; the heel should never extend over the edge of the step, which can cause Achilles tendinitis. Bouncing will also leave you at a higher risk for injury, including shin splints and stress fractures.

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