Thursday 26 March 2015

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss 7

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


7. Tennis

A good game of tennis can burn up to 600 calories in an hour.
If you’re the type who prefers to exercise with a partner, tennis is an ideal way to get active. It’s also perfect for those who don’t particularly like to exercise, but who love a good competition.
You don’t have to be a great tennis player to lose weight doing it. After all, running after the balls is still a form of exercise.
The nature of tennis makes it a great whole-body workout, and playing it can help you improve your flexibility, balance and posture, as well as let off some steam to reduce stress.
Throughout the game, especially every time you hit the ball, your arm, abdominal and leg muscles are engaged, building strength and burning calories. But that’s not all that’s engaged. Your brain gets a good workout every time you play tennis, from thinking quickly and creatively to planning ahead.
Games like tennis boost the brain’s function to improve memory and the ability to learn new things. It also helps increase your peak bone mass; in fact, the National Institute of Health lists tennis as one of the activities that promotes bone health.

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