Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Cardio Weight Loss Bootcamp STEP/ Aerobics Home Workout

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss No:12

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


12. Step Aerobics

Developed and made popular in the late eighties by workout guru Gin Miller, step aerobics is a low-impact workout with excellent cardio and calorie burning benefits.
A 45-minute step aerobics workout will burn about 550 calories while targeting the muscles in the legs, hips, and bum, as well as work out the core muscles and improve coordination.
Step aerobics involves cardio routines that utilize an elevated platform. One foot is always either on the platform or the ground, which is what makes step aerobics a low-impact exercise.
An hour of step aerobics provides you with the same fat burning and cardio benefits as a seven-mile run. You can either enroll in a step aerobics class at the gym or invest in your own step and conduct the workout at home with the aid of a DVD. If you choose the at-home workout, it’s essential to buy a step that’s the right height to avoid injury.
A step that is too high puts more force on the knees, which can lead to soreness and injury. Choose a step that puts your knee at a 90 degree angle when your foot is resting on it. Your whole foot should land on the step during the workout; the heel should never extend over the edge of the step, which can cause Achilles tendinitis. Bouncing will also leave you at a higher risk for injury, including shin splints and stress fractures.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Jump Rope Tutorial for Beginners ★ Learn How to Jump Rope (quick and easy)

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss No:11

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


11. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a favourite activity on playgrounds across the country, but it’s hardly child’s play when it comes to losing weight.
Just ten minutes of rope jumping is worth an eight-minute mile when it comes to cardio benefits and calorie burning.
An hour of jumping rope burns over 800 calories and works the arms, legs, and core, as well as strengthens bones and joints.
It’s also an excellent activity for improving coordination, agility and endurance. Jumping rope is a high-intensity activity, and as such, you don’t need to do it for a full hour to reap the benefits.
However, to avoid injury, you do need to use proper form. Your knees should be slightly bent as you hold the rope at hip height with your palms facing your body. Push off on the balls of your feet, keeping your knees soft and your upper body perpendicular to the floor. Don’t bounce between jumps, or you’ll risk injury.
A great 13-minute rope-jumping workout involves one minute of intense activity followed by one minute of rest. Start with the basic jump, during which both feet push off and land at the same time.
Next, alternate your feet. Follow that with a combination jump during which you do the basic jump for ten turns of the rope followed by alternating your feet for ten turns.
Finally, perform the high step: Alternate your feet, but bring your knees up to a 90-degree angle with each jump. End the workout with an endurance round during which you jump rope in your favourite way for at least five minutes.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Slimming World healthy lasagne recipe

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss No:10

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


10. Cross Country Skiing

If you enjoy nature, like the cold and love a good snow, cross country skiing might just become your favourite exercise.
Cross country skiing is a tough workout that works every major muscle group in your body as you glide along, providing both pushing and pulling movements for your muscles. It’s great for improving balance and coordination.
Cross country skiing is a combination of resistance training and cardio activity that’ll burn between 500 and 650 calories per hour, depending on how much you weight and the intensity of the workout.
While you’re skiing, your muscles are working hard. However, since they’re all working together and you’re getting moments of rest on the glide, the lack of muscle exhaustion enables you to sustain the activity for long periods of time. Likewise, your heart rate will be elevated throughout the workout, but won’t be so high that you have to stop to rest.
Make sure you have the right gear for safety and comfort during your workout. You don’t need to spend a bundle, but you’ll need warm clothes that are designed to insulate and breathe. Make sure your ski boots are comfortable and warm.
The right form is critical when cross country skiing. Beginners should start slowly, propelling forward with long, slow strokes until rhythm and form become natural. The moves should feel coordinated and be executed with smooth, fluid motions.
Once you’ve got the form and rhythm down, let the skis take you on a tour of the winter wonderland around you. Allow your mind to wander while your body does the work so that you’re relaxed and renewed by the end of the workout.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Slimming World diet cola chicken recipe

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss No:9

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


9. CrossFit

CrossFit, like high intensity training, is only suitable for individuals who have been exercising on a somewhat regular basis for a couple of months.
Originally designed to train first responders and Special Forces, CrossFit is a workout regimen that involves weight lifting, endurance exercises, plyometrics, strength and speed training and kettlebell exercise routines, among other activities.
One thing you won’t lose with CrossFit is interest. Unlike other routines that involve doing one exercise for a specified amount of time, CrossFit incorporates many activities into one intense, fat-burning workout.
It’s designed to target all of the major components of physical fitness, including endurance, flexibility, speed, power and cardiorespiratory fitness.
No two days are alike when you’re doing CrossFit. An example of a CrossFit routine is five repetitions of 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups and 50 squats, all performed one after the other, with a three-minute rest between repetitions.
While definitely not for the faint-of-heart, CrossFit routines are highly effective at burning calories and fat, improving physical stamina and endurance, and increasing metabolism.
To get the most benefit out of CrossFit, you should perform a different routine at least three days a week, but ideally five days a week. The good news is that the routines are short, lasting only 15 to 20 minutes when done properly.
Source: http://www.mydiet.com/nine-best-exercises-for-weight-loss/9/

Friday, 27 March 2015

Fat Burning HIIT Cardio Workout - High Intensity Interval Training with ...

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss No: 8

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


8. High intensity interval training

This is one of the most effective weight loss exercise options available.
You only need to engage in this form of exercise for about 20 minutes, three times a week, to get incredible benefits that include burning a large number of calories and ramping up your metabolism in the wake of the afterburn.
High intensity interval workouts can be done with many forms of exercise, and consist of short but intense bursts of activity followed by a lower-intensity period or a period of complete rest.
Those who are new to exercising shouldn’t perform interval training until they’ve been exercising regularly for a couple of months.
A standard interval workout for biking, swimming, running, lifting weights or even walking is 20 minutes long, but burns far more calories than 20 minutes of steady exercise.
Start out by warming up for five minutes. For the sixth minute, push yourself as hard and fast as you can. The seventh minute is all about catching your breath. Repeat the fast/slow cycle (minus the warm up) five times, and cool down for three minutes.
High intensity interval training, or HIIT, offers amazing benefits. Not only will you progress much faster to your desired fitness level, you will also improve your aerobic capacity. In fact, after only two weeks of HIIT, your aerobic capacity will be stronger than if you had completed eight weeks of steady-state endurance exercise, such as running.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss 7

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


7. Tennis

A good game of tennis can burn up to 600 calories in an hour.
If you’re the type who prefers to exercise with a partner, tennis is an ideal way to get active. It’s also perfect for those who don’t particularly like to exercise, but who love a good competition.
You don’t have to be a great tennis player to lose weight doing it. After all, running after the balls is still a form of exercise.
The nature of tennis makes it a great whole-body workout, and playing it can help you improve your flexibility, balance and posture, as well as let off some steam to reduce stress.
Throughout the game, especially every time you hit the ball, your arm, abdominal and leg muscles are engaged, building strength and burning calories. But that’s not all that’s engaged. Your brain gets a good workout every time you play tennis, from thinking quickly and creatively to planning ahead.
Games like tennis boost the brain’s function to improve memory and the ability to learn new things. It also helps increase your peak bone mass; in fact, the National Institute of Health lists tennis as one of the activities that promotes bone health.
Source: http://www.mydiet.com/nine-best-exercises-for-weight-loss/7/


Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Make A Daily To-Do List

A great habit to help keep you focused on your weight loss goal is to make a daily to-do list for yourself. As simple as this sounds, don't dismiss how beneficial it can be especially if you are embarking on a mission to lose weight and get into better shape.

Successfully changing your daily living habits can take some time getting used to particularly if you have been partaking in unhealthy activities for a prolonged period of time. When you make a daily to-do list, you essentially list exactly what you want to accomplish the following day.

Since we want this list to focus on nutrition and exercise, those two topics should be priority number one. Pay particular attention to your nutrition since eating moments occur numerous times every day. You may be surprised it's often more than the three times we assume is all.

Just for fun, list each and every thing you ate yesterday and how many specific instances that occurred in. Was it 4, 5, 6, or more times you were confronted with opportunities to eat or drink something? Don't forget to include the times you may have snacked while either driving, watching television, using the computer, reading a book, or doing some other leisure activity at home.

If you found yourself with a rather large list consisting of a number of unhealthy items you know you need to get rid of, this is where a to-do list can really help you stay focused on task.

Keep it simple and quick so when you make a daily to-do list it does not take up too much of your time and become cumbersome. The night before, on a post-it or small piece of paper write down what you are going to eat for breakfast along with your mid-morning snack, the lunch you will take to work, along with your after lunch snack. Finally, write down what will you prepare for dinner since you don't want to ruin that great day of eating by going to a fast food spot or restaurant after work right?

All this should be added to your list to help constantly remind you of the plan you envisioned for yourself. Don't forget to include the exercise along with the block of time when you are going to complete it. Even though exercise likely will not be happening every day of the week, when you are planning to workout be sure you add it to your to-do list just in case it gets overlooked as the day progresses.

Finally, at the end of the day take time to review your list. This is an extremely important part of this process and one of the main reasons why a daily to-do list can really help you focus on improving your healthy living habits. Checkmark, cross out, highlight, or use any other marks on your list you want. This will help you visually see what you did positive that day, along with other aspects that may not have turned out as you had envisioned.

This is also a great opportunity to create your list for the following day so you will have a brand new agenda to help guide you for the next 24 hours. And the pattern continues.

The more often you create and stick with a to-do list, the quicker you will create healthy habits that guide you through an entire day. Repeat this effort over an over and soon you will be living a healthy life shedding a bit more weight day after day.

Article Source: Gregory L Gomez    http://EzineArticles.com/8970581

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


6. Running

If you’re one of the many people who love to run, you’re in luck.
Running burns about 600 calories per hour, helps build strong bones and connective tissue and gets your heart pumping at a healthy rate to help prevent heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.
The only equipment running requires is a good pair of shoes to protect your joints and, if it helps you keep the pace and maintain motivation, an iPod with your favourite tunes.
Interval training can bump up the calories you burn on your daily run. Also called speed work, interval training involves short spurts, usually between 30 seconds and two minutes, of running at top speed.
Intervals burn a large number of calories in a short amount of time, improve your resting metabolism to help you burn more calories during the day, and increase your muscle mass.
Experts now recommend that you don’t stretch before you run. Instead, warm up by marching in place, bringing your knees up high, or walking for five minutes before beginning your run.
Because running is a high-impact exercise that can damage your joints, it’s always best to have a professional fit you with the right running shoes, based on your gait.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

32 Min. Elliptical Workout. Burns 747 Calories. Serious Weight Loss

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss

elliptical training

5. Elliptical Trainer

The elliptical trainer at home or at the gym enables you to get a low-impact, full body workout.
Easier on the joints than a treadmill, the elliptical trainer also has movable handles that enable you to get a good upper-body workout in addition to working your lower body.
Elliptical machines let you choose the intensity level, and by raising and lowering the ramp and going backwards, you can target different muscle groups in your legs, both front and back.
The average person using an elliptical trainer can burn about 600 calories per hour. The elliptical trainer mimics the action of running while eliminating impact, saving knees and other joints from wear. For those who suffer from arthritis, musculoskeletal conditions and obesity, the elliptical trainer is a great way to exercise without risking impact injuries.
When you’re using the elliptical trainer, hold on to the movable handles rather than the static ones to increase the number of calories you burn and to help tone your arms.
Don’t rely on the calorie counters on elliptical machines to give you an accurate readout of calories burned. Instead, maximize your workout by striving to keep your heart rate at 85 percent and upping the resistance when it feels too easy.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


4. Cycling

Bicycling is another low-impact, high-rewards activity for losing weight.
Cycling can burn anywhere from 372 to over 1,100 calories per hour, depending on your weight, your speed and the terrain you’re biking across.
Unlike running, cycling is easy on the joints, and even the most out-of-shape beginner can hop on a bicycle and ride several miles without feeling like they’ve just been through the wringer.
Outdoor cycling is best, because the varied terrain enables you to get a well-rounded workout that includes strengthening your lower body and getting a good cardiovascular workout.
If you live within biking distance of your job, cycling to work can stimulate endorphins and boost your metabolism for the day, as well as save you money on gas. If outdoor cycling is difficult or dangerous in your area, consider spinning.
Offered at most gyms, this group cycling activity is one of the lowest-impact classes offered, and yet it’s one of the most effective for burning calories and revving up your metabolism.
Even seasoned runners or bikers will likely find themselves challenged by the spinning instructor. An hour-long spinning class covers about 20 miles and challenges participants to reach speeds that they may find impossible when riding an actual bike.
Source: http://www.mydiet.com/nine-best-exercises-for-weight-loss/4/

Sunday, 22 March 2015

How to Build Endurance for Beginning Swimmers : Life & Exercise

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss 3. Swimming

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


3. Swimming

Vigorous swimming can burn anywhere from 400 to 700 calories an hour. All types of swimming are effective for helping you shed pounds, from a front crawl to a breast stroke or even the dog paddle.
Swimming is a highly effective exercise for weight loss and toning. It’s one of the lowest-impact exercises out there, and it strengthens, tones and conditions your whole body.
It’s particularly ideal for women in their last trimester of pregnancy and individuals who battle with arthritis, obesity, and musculoskeletal conditions.
It’s also great for those who suffer from exercise-induced asthma, because the warm, moist air around the water helps keep the airways clear.
Many athletes use the pool as a cross-training tool, as well as to stay fit while rehabilitating an injury. When you’re neck-deep in water, your body is only bearing ten percent of its weight, and yet the water provides 12 times the resistance of air, making it ideal for strengthening and toning your muscles.
Swimming engages all of the major muscle groups, from your abdominals and back muscles to your arms, legs, hips and glutes. It effectively compliments other exercises, like running and walking, or it can be your sole form of fitness.
Don’t know how to swim? Not a problem. If you can propel yourself through the water from one end of the pool to the other, you can swim well enough to lose weight doing it.
Source: http://www.mydiet.com/nine-best-exercises-for-weight-loss/3/

Saturday, 21 March 2015

1. Kettlebell Workouts • BEGINNERS WORKOUT

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


2. Kettlebell

Kettlebells are cast iron balls fitted with a single handle. Unlike traditional handheld weights, the weight of the kettlebell isn’t evenly distributed, which means that your body has to work to stabilize you and counterbalance the weight of the ball.
Kettlebells provide for a hard-core workout that not only burns up to 400 calories in a mere 20 minutes, but also strengthens your core, improves balance and posture and targets all of the major muscle groups, as well as the stabilizing muscles.
Because kettlebell exercises involve the whole body, a kettlebell workout will rev up your metabolism to help your body burn fat faster, and it’ll get your heart pumping so that you get an aerobic workout as well. In fact, 20-minute kettlebell workout is similar to a six-mile run in terms of cardiovascular benefits and calories burned.
However, working successfully with kettlebells requires proper form to avoid injury and get the most benefit out of your workout. If you’re new to kettlebells, taking a class at your local gym will provide you with initial instruction about proper form and the safety guidelines you should follow when exercising with these heavy weights.
Source: http://www.mydiet.com/nine-best-exercises-for-weight-loss/2/

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Sixteen Best Exercises for Weight Loss


There’s no getting around the fact that in order to lose weight safely and permanently, you need to eat healthy food and get plenty of exercise.
Exercising burns calories and builds muscle, which is essential for increasing your metabolism so that you can burn even more calories and lose more weight.
So dust off those workout clothes and pick one of these nine best exercises for weight loss to get started today on your path to a slimmer, healthier you.

1. Walking

Walking is an ideal exercise for weight loss: It doesn't require any equipment, other than a decent pair of walking shoes, and you don’t need a gym membership to do it.
It’s a low-impact exercise, which means it won’t blow out your knees or cause other stress injuries that can leave you on the sidelines for weeks or even months.
For those with certain health issues, including obesity and heart disease, walking is an effective, low-intensity weight-loss activity that can lead to better overall health, as well as better mental well-being.
Depending on how much you weigh, walking at a pace of four miles per hour will burn between 5 and 8 calories every minute, or between 225 and 360 calories for a 45-minute walk.
At this pace, walking 45 minutes a day most days, you can lose up to a pound a week without changing any other habits.
So put on your walking shoes, turn on your iPod and go for a brisk stroll through the neighbourhood. If you live close to where you work or shop, make walking your primary mode of transportation most days, and watch the pounds melt away. When the weather is bad, take to the local track or indoor mall, or hop on the treadmill.

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Friday, 20 March 2015

5 Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

Top 5 Drinks That Help You Lose Weight

green detox
If you have decided to lose the extra pounds, then you surely know that the only way to do that is by combining workouts with a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. However, there are some types of drinks that will speed up the fat burning and help you lose weight quicker than you normally would, and here you will find 5 of the most efficient ones:
1. Detox Juices
Detox juices are certainly your most trustworthy allies in your battle against the extra pounds – you can easily make them in your kitchen, either entirely out of fruits or vegetables or by combining these two. Citrus fruits are known to have a powerful detox capability, therefore if you are looking for foods to help you purge all the toxins that have gathered inside you over the months then you must certainly include them in your detox juice. High-fiber root foods such as ginger, carrots or apples are also highly recommended for these juices, as they are known to also support the correct functioning of your digestive tract, not to mention the wealth of antioxidants that they deliver to your body.
As you may know already, antioxidants are essential as they protect your body from the negative effects of the free radicals that can wreak havoc on your health if you allow them two. One eight ounce glass of detox juice per week will certainly keep all these problems far away from you! These juices have a double benefit – while they help your body get rid of the toxins, chemicals and all the dangerous substances that have accumulated inside your intestines, they also help you lose weight in the fastest and most natural way. One thing is for sure, though: all those who want to shed pounds yet stay healthy at the same time must go through at least one or two detox sessions throughout the course of a year.
2. Vegetable Juices
Vegetable juices, on the other hand, can also benefit your weight loss efforts in the long run and it is a known fact that the most suitable type of veggies for weight loss are the cruciferous ones. No matter if you juice them alone or you use them in conjunction with other fruits, these veggies (cabbage, kale, broccoli or cauliflower) will be your most efficient fat fighting weapon, and there is no better way to keep all the toxins away.  Another notable benefit of the vegetable juices is that in addition to helping your body fight free radicals and keeping you healthy, they will also balance the hormone levels in your body and prevent the hormone disruptors from interfering with the normal hormone levels. Cruciferous veggies are very rich in natural phytonutrients that are perfect for reducing the overall amount of body fat, for reducing inflammation and controlling the blood sugar levels, for balancing the hormone levels, boosting your metabolism as well as providing a thorough general detoxification.
vegetable juice
3. Green Tea
Green tea has been used for hundreds of years due to its numerous benefits, and weight loss is just one of them – although green tea alone will only help you lose a few pounds, it will certainly serve as a great addition to your diet in the long haul. No matter if you do not have the time or you do not like to workout on a regular basis, drinking one cup of tea per day will deliver all the antioxidants you need and it will also help you burn fat at a faster pace, by boosting the metabolism. These teas are perfect for burning more calories as well as for increasing your overall energy levels and for suppressing your appetite. As a matter of fact, this is exactly the main mechanism of action of these teas as they help you shed the extra pounds by suppressing your appetite, thus decreasing the amount of food you would normally consume on a daily basis. Green tea is very popular among the Japanese people, and it is said to also help you reduce stress and relax better.
4. Fruit Juice – Cranberry And Pear
Fruit juices are delicious, easy to prepare and very rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals – besides this, there are literally hundreds of different fruits you can choose from and pear and cranberries are only two of the most delicious, most efficient and most sought-after ones given the fact that they contain high amounts of vitamin C. Not only will the cranberry and pear juice help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism (your body’s natural fat burning machine), but it will also increase your overall energy levels and deliver your body all the essential vitamins and proteins that it so much needs. At the same time, it is a known fact that the cranberry juice is essential for preventing various infection of the bladder, such as the infection with the E-coli bacteria. Pears, on the other hand, add magnesium, potassium as well as phosphorus to your fruit juice and they are essential for a healthy lifestyle, not to mention that they are very rich in Vitamin C and Calcium, the latter being particularly important for keeping your bones healthy and strong.
5. Black Coffee
Last, but not least, it is a known fact that if consumed with moderation, black coffee can have a plethora of health benefits – not only does it contain antioxidants that fight off free radicals and lower the risk for certain types of cancer, but it can also reduce the risk for diabetes as well as heart disease. At the same time, caffeine is perfect for boosting your metabolism and for increasing the number of calories you have burned. Be careful, though, because if you want to lose weight by relying on black coffee you will have to consume it without any milk or sugar, as any sweetener can increase its calorie count!
To conclude, these are the top 5 most efficient drinks that you should embed in your diet if you want to lose weight quickly and naturally, without resorting to any pills or supplements that may have side effects.

Source: http://www.lifespan.com/top-5-drinks-help-lose-weight/2/

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Healthy Recipes : How to Make Tuna Fish With Less Calories

Losing Weight With Tuna Fish

Are you urgently looking for the best way you can find to knock off a fast 10 to 15 pounds or more? You have that fancy dance just around the corner and you just have to fit into that slinky size 6 black dress; you just purchased.
You have heard about the 3 day tuna diet and consider it's just what you're looking for. Wait a minute because there are some things you need to know before leap on that diet.

It's very true the three day tuna diet has fast becoming one of today's desired crash diets. Many people think that since the time frame of the diet is short there is no health risk.
The reality is that when people use this kind of low calorie diets they are negatively upsetting their metabolism. Basically, this means that by using this diet you are setting yourself up for later weight increase and very perhaps more weight than you lost.
One of the main reasons that this diet is not healthy is because it is fundamentally a starvation diet. If you add up all the calories for the day's meal, you only get 978. Consuming this few calories will put you in starvation mode from the first day.
You will recognize when your body begins starvation mode soon after starting the tuna diet. You will begin to feel lethargic and not want to do activities you usually would. You will start to feel cold.
In adding the three day tuna diet has such a low calorie count that it is close to being a VLCD, or very low calorie diet. This diet presents the illusion of being only for three days when the truth is you will be on it for almost one month.
For the best part the foods that you eat on the three day tuna diet aren't balanced. You are permitted some tiny amounts of other foods for dinner.
You have to be aware the refined carbohydrates, which make up a big part of the diet have very little if any dietary value. Food yearning is greater than before when you have so few calories but have breads and sugars. The cause for this is that there is a increase in the making of insulin when we eat carbs.
When you make a decision to use low calorie diets, you are setting yourself up for dreaming about food.
Making it through the three days is good if you can do it but, you are likely to eat unhealthy foods in the four day period, when you are free to eat what you want.
Studies carried out in the 1970s, show a typical dieter will eventually put on up to eight pounds in the weeks after the diet.
There are a range of diets that are geared towards fast weight loss. These diets may help you drop pounds at the start but, in the end you will most likely gain more weight back then you lost.
The best way is to lose the weight slowly because in that way the pounds will stay off for years to come.


Wednesday, 18 March 2015

My Top Five Healthy(ish) Eating Tips | ViviannaDoesFood

Understanding Food Nutrition Labels

 Learning how to read and understand food labels can help you make healthier choices.
Here are some tips for making the most of the information on the Nutrition Facts label:

1 - Start with the serving information at the top of the label.

This will tell you the size of a single serving and the total number of servings per container (package).

2 - Next, check total calories per serving.

Pay attention to the calories per serving and how many servings you’re really consuming if you eat the whole package. If you double the servings you eat, you double the calories and nutrients.

The next section of information on a nutrition label is about the amounts of specific nutrients in the product.

3 - Limit these nutrients.

AHA recommends limiting these nutrients: Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, no more than 11-13 grams of saturated fat, as little trans fat as possible, and no more than 1,500 mg of sodium.

4 - Get enough of these nutrients.

Make sure you get enough of beneficial nutrients such as: dietary fiber, protein, calcium, iron, vitamins and other nutrients you need every day.

5 - Quick guide to % Daily Value.

The % Daily Value (DV) tells you the percentage of each nutrient in a single serving, in terms of the daily recommended amount. As a guide, if you want to consume less of a nutrient (such as saturated fat or sodium), choose foods with a lower % DV — 5 percent or less. If you want to consume more of a nutrient (such as fiber), seek foods with a higher % DV — 20 percent or more.

Here are more tips for getting as much health information as possible from the Nutrition Facts label:
  • Remember that the information shown in these panels is based on 2,000 calories a day. You may need to consume less or more than 2,000 calories depending upon your age, gender, activity level, and whether you’re trying to lose, gain or maintain your weight. Find out your personal daily limits on My Fats Translator.
  • When the Nutrition Facts label says a food contains “0 g” of trans fat, but includes “partially hydrogenated oil” in the ingredient list, it means the food contains trans fat, but less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving. So, if you eat more than one serving, you could quickly reach your daily limit of trans fat.

Source: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyEating/Understanding-Food-Nutrition-Labels_UCM_300132_Article.jsp

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

DIY Workout Motivation, Exercise Top & Healthy Snacks for Junk Food Love...

5 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water

Lemons are a highly nutritious fruit and drinking lemon water is an easy way to get some of their benefits. Here are five reasons not to overlook that free slice of lemon that comes with your water at a restaurant.. Learn more at eVitamins, the largest online health Canada superstore.

It's no secret sugar-filled sodas, energy drinks and coffee creations aren't the best choice for hydration throughout the day. But not everyone enjoys drinking plain water all day long, despite its benefits.

If this sounds like you, or if you're interested in a better way to get your daily H2O, consider adding some lemon to your water. Refreshing with an invigorating scent, lemon water not only helps the body stay hydrated, but it comes with some additional benefits as well for your health.

Whether you drink it warm first thing in the morning or chilled after a workout, here are five reasons lemon water should be your beverage of choice:

1. Antioxidant Protection -- Lemons, like all citrus fruits, are packed with vitamin C. One lemon has about half your daily requirement, in fact. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and antioxidants protect all the cells of the body against the damage of free radicals, which we encounter on a daily basis. Free radicals can weaken the immune system which lowers the body's resistance to illness.

2. Healthy Skin -- Make water your beauty secret. The vitamin C in lemons also supports collagen production and, as previously mentioned, fights free radicals that can damage the skin and lead to visible signs of aging like fine lines, wrinklesbrown spots, etc. Water is always the best bet for clear, bright and hydrated skin and adding the lemon amps up its effects even more.

3. Weight Management -- Now, there are lots of theories about lemon water actually causing weight loss, but no substantial evidence thus far other than the fact lemons contain pectin, a type of fiber. Water is however great for filling you up during and between meals and can keep you from overeating. Adding the lemon will also make the water more satisfying and perhaps remind your taste buds of less healthy options that can cause you to gain weight.

4. Liver Support -- Lemons contain compounds like D-limonene that support the function of the liver, which is responsible for detoxifying the body on a daily basis. Drinking lemon water daily assists the enzymes within the liver in ridding the body of harmful substances. Supporting your liver's function on a each day means you can skip out on more drastic detox practices -- just let the body do its thing.

5. Less Bloating -- Bloating is one of the most frustrating symptoms, effecting how you feel and look. If you're retaining water due to high sodium consumption, digestive issues or premenstrual syndrome, drinking water with lemon will help your body flush out the extra fluid naturally. This is also a way of assisting the body in its natural cleansing processes.

Fresh from a whole lemon is the best way to start if you're interested in adding lemon juice to your water, however, you can also find pure organic lemon juice in a bottle. Just keep it in the fridge after you open it so you can add a splash to your water anytime. You can also freeze lemon juice (fresh or bottled) in your ice cube tray for use at home or on the go. Lastly, combining lemons with other fruits or even herbs can have additional benefits. Mint, for example, can help with digestive issues.

It's important to note lemon water isn't a cure for any chronic medical issues you may be experiencing. The citric acid in lemons can also upset the digestive system if you consume too much, so make sure to properly dilute lemon juice and, as with any change to your routine, pay attention to how you feel.

Source: http://ca.evitamins.com/a/5-reasons-drink-lemon-water-890#.VQhis_msWgY