Monday 28 September 2015

Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat Boost Metabolism Complete Workout

Fitness Training For Weight Loss

If you are one of the many that are looking to lose some weight then toning up your muscles and fitness training is one of the healthiest ways that you could go. It is also one of the fastest as well as most intensive ways for you to begin seeing almost instant results. This type of weight loss method is used mostly by athletes and should be taken lightly. This type of weight loss should be done under the supervision of a professional so that you do not over strain your body and also to make sure that you are following the correct procedures.

There are basically three different types of fitness that you can use and each one of these will focus on different issues of weight loss and stamina building. The one that you will select will depend on what you wish to achieve through your personal weight loss program.

1. Resistance Training
* This type of exercise is also known as strength or weight training which will involve using the resistance to the muscular contraction to build up your endurance and help you achieve a healthy weight loss. It involves working against gravity or other force and is also directly related to the amount of weight you lift as well as how many times you are able to do this without stopping. If you begin with weights that are too heavy for you, you will become tired quickly and you will also not notice any changes in your in your weight loss or body.

Therefore if you begin with lighter weights before moving on to the heavier ones you will be heading to the correct direction. After a couple of weeks of performing this method you will notice a healthy weight loss and also a gradual increase in the amount of time that you are able to lift the weights. This is a good technique to see if you are doing this correctly.

2. Interval Training
* This type of training involves short bursts of fat burning training and is normally used by sports trainers that work with runners and football players. These short bursts are then followed period of rest. This has become a very popular technique in recent years because of the association that it has to healthy weight loss.

3. Continuous Training
* This is also famous among athletes who happen to need a good cardio workout and is also great for muscle toning. It has also been proven effective in the way of weight loss.

All three of these are good for your weight loss routine you just need to discover which one works best for you.

Monday 21 September 2015

Find Your Own Weight Loss Exercise Routine

You will need a weight loss exercise routine if you want to lose weight in the smartest and healthiest way. Diet alone can help you lose weight, but the eating plan will have to be so restrictive and limited that many people end up giving up and gaining back any weight that they may have lost. When exercise is included, the weight loss is helped and the diet can be much more realistic.

Your weight loss exercise should include a cardiovascular exercise such as walking, running, or swimming to get your heart rate up to the proper rate for aerobic activity. This heart rate will have to be sustained for twenty minutes to get the best benefit from your exercise plan.  Start off slow to get your body accustomed to the workout if you have not exercised in a while. Make sure that you warm up first and always cool down to avoid injury.

Weight training can also be a part of your weight loss exercise routine. When you engage your muscles, the increase to your metabolism will go on long after you have finished your exercise. Increasing your muscle mass will also increase the amount of calories that you burn. There are many benefits to using weight training in your routine including toning your body and sculpting some fabulous muscles on your body. Take your time and build up slowly to avoid injuring yourself while working out.

Vary your weight loss exercise routine from time to time. You will avoid boredom and there are some great benefits to your muscles when you use them in a different way. Over time, your muscles can become accustomed to your workout and you will no longer get the same benefit from the routine.

Choose exercises that you will enjoy doing every day to make sure that you have some consistency in your routine. You are much more likely to go back to an exercise that you enjoy doing than one that you dread every day. There are many activities that you can include in your weight loss exercise routine that are not your typical exercise such as dancing or even incorporating your housecleaning into your exercise routine.

Your weight loss exercise routine should also include a well balanced diet. The exercise will help you to stick with your diet as well. Many times your exercise routine can help you to stick with a diet as well. Once you begin to see some results from your efforts, you will be encouraged to keep on going and making more improvements to your healthier lifestyle.

Over time, you will have a well balanced diet in place with a weight loss exercise plan that keeps your body in good condition and health.  It is the only way to a healthy body and the results that you want. Begin with an exercise routine instead of a diet this time and see what kind of results you can get. You’ve tried every diet on the market, right?  Now it’s time to try a whole new approach to weight loss.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Female Weight Loss-Its All About Control

Female weight loss begins with determining why women are overweight in the first place.  Women are less likely than men to exercise and they don’t eat enough vegetables.  Overweight women are also likely to be impulsive eaters and are more prone to stress eating.

How much you weigh depends on several factors.
First of all, any female weight loss advice should begin with an analysis of how much and what kind of foods you eat.  Most women who are not trying to lose weight should get around 1600 calories a day.  But not all calories are created equal.  100 calories worth of green beans with almond slivers are a whole different ball game from 100 calories worth of hershey’s chocolate with almonds.  In addition to the calories, you need to look at the nutrients, the fibre, and the grams of fat.

But, most women get more calories than they need to maintain their weight.  Part of this is due to poor impulse control.  There’s just too many calories available to us.  But another part has to do with women underestimating just how many calories in the food they eat.  Serving sizes have exploded but people still count the calories as if they were the traditional smaller servings.  Female weight loss requires that women accurately count every calorie.

If your lifestyle includes a lot of activity, you are less likely to be worried about female weight loss. However, if you live a highly sedentary life, you probably are packing on the pounds.  Look for ways to move more.  This doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym either.  Playing with the kids, mopping the floor, and gardening are all excellent kinds of movement.

What you consume and how many calories you burn off are directly under your control.  But other factors that are outside of your control impact female weight loss as well.  For instance, your genetic make up has a lot to do with whether you get fat.  Fast metabolism tends to run in families and it is typical to see entire families of fat or skinny people.

Your age also has an impact on your weight as you tend to burn calories more slowly as you age. This “middle age spread” must be aggressively combated if you want to keep your weight under control.  And, it is important that you do so for the sake of your health.  Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are all linked with weight issues.

Finally, the state of your health can play a role in female weight loss.  Some medications are known for causing weight gain.  And, some physical conditions limit mobility which means that you don’t burn as many calories.

The key to female weight loss is setting achievable goals and sticking to the plan.  Accept that there are things you can control – and control them.  Also accept that there are things beyond your control and you will have to compensate in the other areas.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat For Women

The fastest way to lose belly fat for women is to modify your diet and do the combination of cardio and strength training exercises that make you lose weight all over.  That’s because fat gets stored in the tummy first and the stomach is the last place it comes off.  Women who are otherwise fit all over may feel a little self conscious in a bikini.  So, the fastest way to lose belly fat is to realize that you’ve got to get into perfect shape.

There is no one specific exercise that will make you lose your stomach if you are 20 pounds overweight.  Sit ups and crunches will help strengthen the muscles in the area, but do nothing to burn the fat.  And, belly fat is, at its core, fat. The only way to lose fat is to eat fewer calories than you burn.

So, one element in the fastest way to lose belly fat is to come up with a healthy eating plan.  This is an eating plan for life, not some fad diet.  When you yo yo in weight, you actually compound the stomach fat problem because you lose weight in other areas but you put it back on in the stomach area first.  So, making a change in your diet on a permanent basis is key.
You’re developing a lifestyle, not going on a temporary diet.

Your diet needs to be concerned not only with the total number of calories but the kinds of calories.  You need to take in at least 1 gram of protein per day for every pound you weigh.  You also need some fat in your diet.  A diet of 30:20:50 in the ratio protein: fat: carbohydrates makes a lot of sense for an overweight woman who wants the fastest way to lose belly fat.  Fish oils are the best kind of fat for this purpose.

Next up is your training program.  The fastest way to lose belly fat is by doing both weight training and cardio exercises.  A study of overweight women showed that women who alternated between cardio and strength training every other day lost significantly more fat in their stomachs than women who relied on aerobics alone.

The best way to do aerobic exercise is high intensity interval training.  This is where you do a two minute burst of activity at the most intense level you are capable of doing followed by three minutes of moderate activity.  Repeat the cycle.

You will also want to track your progress.  Not only will you be encouraged to see your belly fat decreasing, but if you stall or go up, you will be able to correct the problem quickly.  It is a good idea to take your body fat measurements every two weeks.

The fastest way to lose belly fat is to develop good lifestyle habits.  Once you lose the weight, your belly fat will come off.

Friday 4 September 2015

Fast Weight Loss Is Possible But Don`t Overdo It

If you want to achieve fast weight loss, one of the best methods is to go on a detox. It is best to pick a time when you are not busy with work or a home situation as you are unlikely to feel great in the first couple of days. Your body will be releasing the build up of toxins and headaches with nausea are not uncommon.

So how does a detox diet work?  The principle is that we consume a lot of toxins daily either via our food or our environment. Our liver has to work very hard to eliminate these toxins and failure to do so will lead to weight gain.

When you are on a detox diet you are severely limited in what you can eat. Your main diet will consist of fruit and vegetables. You will also be allowed to eat brown rice, lentils, unsalted nuts and other grains such as quinoa. You should drink only water or lemon juice but are allowed limited quantities of unsweetened fruit juices.

People who go on a detox diet usually report that in addition to losing weight, they get clearer skin and have more energy.  Detox diets are not suitable for those with a medical condition unless advised by a doctor and pregnant woman should avoid them. Some people experience quite unpleasant side effect at first. Supporters of the detox plan will say this is because their bodies were really toxic.

If you cannot stomach a detox plan you can also try a juice diet for fast weight loss. As the name suggests, you do not eat any whole foods but rely solely on vegetable and fruit juices. You should purchase a juicer as otherwise the cost of obtaining these freshly prepared drinks can be prohibitive. A juice diet is a short term solution but over the long term could cause tooth decay and other health problems.

You can lose weight by following a sensible eating plan. Keep a food diary and see where the extra calories are sneaking into your diet. Then eliminate these foods. You will be surprised at how much progress you can make once you start. Exercise should be part of any weight loss plan. Not only will it help you tone up but you will feel much better. Exercising helps to increase your energy levels and is a great stress reducer. But most people fail to put a new exercise program in place as they aim too high. Try a little exercise every day rather than promising to become a gym fanatic.

Try eliminating certain foods from your diet to see if they are causing bloating. Stomach bloating can cause you to look much fatter than you actually are. Foods that often cause problems include wheat and dairy. If you do plan on eliminating dairy from your diet, make sure that you increase your intake of calcium from other sources.

Fast weight loss can be achieved but it shouldn’t be at the expense of your overall health.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Fast Facts About Organic Green Tea

Green tea leaves are harvested and dried before they even ferment. This process ensures that organic green tea keeps many of its healthy properties compared to other teas which undergo a lot of processes. Organic green tea produces a fresher and more aromatic flavour that many people love and enjoy. Aside from its taste and aroma, green teas are patronized more for their benefits to the overall condition of the body. They are now included in many diets and are made into diet supplements in the form of pills and extracts as well.

Basic Facts about Organic Green Tea

Men have been drinking organic green tea for over half a million years now. Its medicinal effects have been known by Chinese people long before researches and experiments have been done to prove its benefits. The history of green tea traces back from Asian culture, used as a beverage or an herbal medicine. As a matter of fact, history reports show that organic green tea was used as an astringent before to control bleeding and to help heal wounds.

What Makes Organic Tea Special

Catechin Polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant can be found richly in green tea. The compound is known to kill cancer cells, lowers bad cholesterol levels, and inhibits formation of blood clots. What sets organic green tea apart from other tea like oolong, and black tea is how it is processed. Organic green tea is steamed so its important compounds are not oxidized. Other teas are usually made from fermented leaves which make the beneficial health compounds not as effective as when it is only steamed.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

The popularity of green tea grew with the interest in fitness and healthy lifestyle.  Tea contains a group of compounds called Polyphenols which acts as antioxidants to the body. Great benefits like preventing cancer have been proven to come from drinking organic green tea. Aside from that, here are a few more benefits of green tea to the health of a person:
Prevents flu – Green tea can boost immunity against influenza
Lowers Blood pressure – Blood pressure can be lowered by 50% by drinking at least two cups of green tea a day
Cleanses the Digestive System – Tannins in tea cleanses the digestive tract and can calm a troubled stomach
Aids in Weight Loss – Organic green tea is rich in antioxidants known as catechins which helps reduce the absorption of fats.  Metabolism is also increased by drinking a cup to two of green tea everyday
Dental Health – Cavity is prevented with the aid of fluoride from green tea. Aside from that, antioxidants kill bacteria and thus fresher breathe is obtained
Bone Strength – Organic green tea is rich in Vitamin D which helps maintain bone density

Harmful Effects of Organic Green Tea

The hazards of green tea to the health are due to its caffeine. Insomnia can be experienced by those who consume more than five cups of green tea a day. However, compared to coffee, green tea contains lesser caffeine.