Monday, 31 August 2015

Extreme Obese Women Serious Health Dangers

Extreme obese women are putting their health and their lives at risk by remaining heavy. While obesity affects both sexes and can ruin the health of men and women, extreme obese women face some special health challenges that men don’t have to worry about.

One condition that only extreme obese women will face because it’s related to their reproductive system is PCOS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can occur in any woman, overweight or not, but it’s much more common among overweight and obese women.

It can even occur in young girls who are just entering puberty, but generally doesn’t unless they’re overweight. When it occurs very young, serious reproductive problems can result.

PCOS is a condition that can go hand in hand with insulin resistance. When a person is overweight and/or eating a diet rich in simple carbs that are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, insulin resistance can occur pretty easily.

This is when the body’s insulin production is no longer enough to remove the blood sugar from the blood stream. The body has become insulin resistant because of the large amounts that have been released by necessity over a period of time.

While a person can be insulin resistant and not have PCOS, if a person develops the condition it’s generally because they’re insulin resistant and essentially pre-diabetic. PCOS causes small cysts to grow on the ovaries. While the cysts themselves aren’t harmful, they cause hormone imbalances that lead to other problems.

A hallmark of PCOS is elevated testosterone levels. This male hormone in too high levels in females like extreme obese women can cause things like facial hair growth, excessive hair growth in places like the face, stomach and back, and problems with the reproductive cycle.

When too much testosterone is present in a woman’s body, menstrual periods can be delayed, irregular and either very light or very heavy. In some cases, periods can stop altogether. PCOS can affect the reproductive cycle so much that it can be difficult or impossible for a woman to get pregnant.

PCOS causes weight gain, and can make it very difficult for extreme obese women or any women to lose weight. Acne flare-ups are often a sign of PCOS too, because high levels of testosterone are linked with acne break outs.

Another symptom of PCOS is depression. While being obese can also contribute to depression, the hormone changes and fluctuations caused by PCOS can directly contribute to feelings of sadness and depression, too.

While doctors say that PCOS can’t be prevented, eating healthy, getting regular exercise and not smoking are the recommended treatments for the condition. So it stands to reason that if you practice these things already, even if you’re pre-disposed to developing the condition you may never suffer symptoms of the disease.

PCOS can strike any girl, even teenagers, but those who eat poor diets, don’t exercise, and smoke are at a greater risk. For extreme obese women, it’s almost not a matter of whether or not they’ll get PCOS, but when.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Extreme Exercise For Weight Loss Will It Work For You

If you want to lose weight, you probably don't want it to take a long time. So you might be looking into extreme exercise for weight loss. You might think that if a little bit of exercise is good, a lot of exercise must be better.

This isn't always true. You can over exercise. And if you need to lose some weight, throwing yourself into extreme exercise right away isn't going to do you any good. You could end up with an injury that can prevent you from exercising for a long time. And you don't want that.

While there may be workout routines that are called extreme exercise, it usually refers to simply exercising to excess. Instead of jogging for an hour maybe someone will do it for 2 to 3 hours. Or they work themselves to the point of exhaustion.

While a few people might benefit from this extreme type of weight loss exercise, most people won't. Most people will become exhausted or injured and will burn out on the idea very quickly. The best way to lose weight through exercise is to take it steady and slow.

Unfortunately, most people who want to lose weight don't really have that kind of patience. The thinking is that results should happen quite quickly. And they usually don't. You didn't gain weight overnight, so you won't lose it overnight no matter how much you exercise. If you don't start slowly when you begin an exercise program but instead jump into it full force, you raise your risk of injury.

Not to mention, you could burn out and not want to do it all. If you decide that walking for 30 minutes isn't good enough so you walk four times a day for 30 minutes, after a few weeks you might decide it's not worth the effort.

If you're already very fit, extreme exercise might be for you. But anyone can exercise too much and damage their bodies. If you're trying to lose weight, there's probably not going to be a lot of extreme exercise you can handle.

Trying to do too much too fast will not only risk injury, but it can be bad for your morale. When you try to overdo it and find that you can't, you might feel a little depressed about your physical state. It's better to take it slow and build up your exercise level at a normal pace.

While walking for 30 minutes at a brisk pace might not be as impressive as running a half marathon, it will help you meet your weight loss goals much quicker. If you try to train for a marathon or some other extreme form of sport when you're not ready, you're only going to discourage yourself.

And if you're discouraged, you're not going to want to do the exercise. An exercise that you don't do won't help you lose weight. So while extreme exercise for weight loss might be the thing that "everyone" seems to be doing, don't fall into that trap.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Exploring The Benefits Of Exercise

You hear all the time about the benefits of exercise, but many people don’t understand the specific benefits that can be enjoyed with a good exercise plan. There are more benefits than you might think that come along with a good exercise routine. Not only will you get all of the health benefits including a toned and well muscled body, but you will also restore your confidence and self esteem in the process.

Self esteem is one of the best benefits of exercise that you don’t always hear about.  When you begin to get in shape and lose weight with your exercise routine, you will automatically feel better about yourself and work even harder on your healthy routine. For many people, this is the beginning of a whole new way of living. Even if you don’t begin with a healthy diet, the restoration of your self esteem and the boost to your self confidence will inspire you to start watching what you eat as well.

Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities that a person can have.  This is another of those benefits of exercise that is not listed often enough. People who are confident hold themselves taller and are not afraid to try new things. This can make you more attractive than the smaller size and weight loss that you will experience from your exercise routine.

Of course, there are a great many health benefits of exercise that should not be ignored. Obesity is responsible for more health problems than almost any other issue. When you begin to include exercise in your daily routine and begin burning calories at a much faster rate, you will begin to lose weight.  Add in a healthy diet and the weight will come off even faster. A weight loss can result in a decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. These are no small benefits and they are ones that will help you to live a longer and healthier life.

All of these benefits can be use by including exercise in your daily schedule. Even if you have not exercised for a long period of time, you can start off with a brisk walk to get started on your road to good health. Wake up a little earlier in the morning and start off your day with a quick walk around the block. Over time, you can add to your walk and before you know it, you will be racking up the miles every day. Go at your own pace and learn to listen to your body while you are just starting out.

Always start with a good warm up and end your exercise with a cool down. This is the best way to care for your muscles before you begin your harder exercises and it will prevent injury. The benefits of exercise can be yours if you include exercises that you enjoy in your daily routine. Dance, if that is what you enjoy.  Go for a swim or just take a walk around the block. It is all up to you.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Quick Sweat Cardio Workout to Lose Weight & Burn Belly Fat Fast

Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly And Easily

Losing weight is not all about the food you eat. You also need to undertake exercises to lose weight quickly and easily.  Why?
Exercise helps you to burn calories and raises your metabolism rate. It also makes us feel good although perhaps not at the start of an exercise program. Most people find that whilst they feel that they have done a lot during the day, they haven’t actually been physically active. Driving your kids from one location to another is not the same as going swimming or running. On short trips, try walking instead of driving. It is much healthier for you, for your kids and for the environment.

One of the best types of exercise for losing weight quickly and easily is walking but you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. Don’t worry; you don’t need to walk all these steps in one go. You can do them over the whole day. Invest in a pedometer rather than trying to guess whether you are achieving this milestone. Walking also helps to prevent or reduce health problems by reducing your cholesterol levels.

To get more exercise in your life, pick something you enjoy doing or always wanted to do and sign up for a class. Forget about picking an exercise that will lose the most weight. You are more likely to succeed if you enjoy what you are doing.   Try and rope a friend into coming with you as you are less likely to back out on the class.

Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming and jogging is the most important type of exercise for your health but resistance training is excellent for toning and shaping your body. So why not try to combine a mixture of both into your life. You could go swimming or jogging or walking for twenty minutes every day and then two or three times a week do some resistance training.

You don’t need to join a gym.  You can work out at home using bags of sugar or water bottles as weights.  There are some great DVD’s on the market that will help to inspire and motivate you as well as teach you the correct techniques.  Always take care to follow the warm up and cool down guidelines as you do not want to incur any injuries.

If you don’t fancy embarking on your own home program, find an exercise class or coach at a health centre near you.  Exercise classes are a great way to meet like-minded people and open up a whole new social life other than drinking and eating out.

An exercise coach is an expert who can give you advice on the best routines but also on your diet and other lifestyle issues.  A holistic approach works best when trying to lose weight as exercise on its own won’t work if you are still overeating or eating the wrong food types.

There is no doubt that exercises to lose weight quickly, will help you achieve your slim new figure.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Exercise Lose Weight And Feel Great

Many people are looking for a way to exercise, lose weight and feel great, but find it difficult to fit a good routine in their schedule.  There are a few things that you can do to make sure that you get all of your exercise into your day with very little disruption.

The first thing that you should realize is that losing weight will require you to do some exercise. It is possible to lose weight without exercise, but your calorie counts will be so low that it will be difficult to maintain. This is the reason that many people fail when they don’t include exercise. Lose weight in a much more reasonable manner with the combination of both diet and exercise and you will feel great and find that your new healthy lifestyle is much easier to maintain.

Start off your exercise routine with a few simple steps that will put you on the right track to developing your own exercise routine. You can start with something as simple as a walk in the morning to charge up your batteries for the day. It is amazing how great you will feel for the rest of the day when you start off with a blood pumping walk in the morning. Getting up a half hour earlier in the morning is all it takes to add this exercise routine to your schedule.

To increase your daily exercise, lose weight efforts and feel even better, you could try some weight bearing exercise. An exercise that uses weight will increase your metabolism and further your goals of losing weight. Long after you put the weights down, your body will continue to burn calories and help you to lose weight. Weight bearing exercise, lose weight and redefine your body at the same time.   Consider adding thirty minutes every other day during the week to increase your exercise efforts. Skip one television program and you will find the time in your schedule.

Small steps in your daily routine will increase the amount of activity that you have during a day. Things such as parking further away from the door at work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and short walks during your lunch break; can all add up during the week to increase the amount of calories burned, so that you will lose weight.

When you increase the amount of calories burned during the day, you will be able to eat more in your healthy diet and still lose weight. Calorie counting and weight loss is a simple matter of arithmetic. Simply burning more calories than you take in will cause your body to lose weight.

Remember that the quality of your calories counts as well.  Eat fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and a healthy amount of fat and you will be on your way to a well balanced diet. Remember the key to success is exercise, lose weight and feel great for a long and healthy life. It’s simple if you take a little bit of time to find those areas in your life that could use a little change.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Eat Out To Lose Weight With A Restaurant Calorie Counter

A restaurant calorie counter can be a dieter’s best friend. Losing weight isn’t easy, so you need to take steps to make it as easy as possible on yourself. One way to do this is to not limit yourself to just bland home meals and a life where you never eat out for fear of not being able to maintain your diet the way you want to. With a restaurant calorie counter, you won’t have to.

There’s no doubt that losing weight is difficult. The rate of obesity is soaring and it’s not because people are trying to gain weight, sumo wrestlers excepted. In general, more than 95 percent of people who do manage to lose weight won’t be able to keep it off. Many people manage to gain and lose hundreds of pounds over their lifetime. When something is this difficult, you need to take every step you can to make it as easy as possible. This includes eating out, or grabbing things on the fly, which is where a restaurant calorie counter comes in handy. We’d all like to be able to be able to do up our food at home, eat perfectly all day and come back to prepare a nutritionally flawless means for dinner, all with a smile on your face.

But in reality, this doesn’t happen. People sleep late, work late, and sometimes the boss wants you to have lunch with him. It’s a rare person who can get by without buying their food already prepared at some point. Unless your eating out is going to consist of glasses of water, you’re going to need a restaurant calorie counter.

A restaurant calorie counter is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It’s a guide to the calories and nutrient contents of things you find in restaurants. Generally, these will be available for all chain type restaurants, fast food and otherwise, but a very good restaurant calorie counter will also have very famous restaurants, and it is possible to get copies that have local information, as well.

The local restaurants are actually a flaw in using a restaurant calorie counter; even those that have restaurants are forced to estimate. This isn’t necessarily a huge problem, but bear in mind that if you’re eating at Uncle Joe’s Wings and Things you’re going to have to estimate.

A good way to do this, if you’re eating in a place where you’re going to be eating a lot but the place isn’t listed in your restaurant calorie counter, is to get your favourites as take out. Once you have them, measure them and then find something in the counter that’s pretty close and work out how many calories are in each one.

Either way, a restaurant calorie counter can be key to your weight loss success, regardless of the type of diet you’re on. If you’re using a controlled calorie plan, then you can easily look up the calorie count and adjust. Or you can choose dishes with the right amount of fat or carbs for your plan. Every diet is easier with a restaurant calorie counter.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Dying To Lose Weight, Why Kill Yourself

There are many diet books and plans on the market today, each claiming to be the best way to lose weight. If you believe the hype, you can eat only carbs and lose weight, eat no carbs and lose weight, eat only cabbage and lose weight…. the list goes on and on. These plans would not be popular if people didn't follow them, but it is important to be reasonable, as well.

When choosing a diet plan, avoid fad diets. These plans come and go each season, and some can even be harmful to your health. Take the time to consult your doctor, and design a weight loss plan that works for you. Your plan should allow you to lower your calorie count, while consuming foods from all major food groups.

Follow these guidelines to avoid dangerous diet plans:
Avoid Massive Calorie Cuts – Some diets drastically restrict the amount of calories you take in per day. These diets can lead to malnutrition, so avoid them at all costs. Instead, consult your doctor for a target calorie count per day. He or she can take your height, weight, age, and medical conditions into account to design a diet plan that is safe and effective.

Avoid Cutting out Food Groups – Just say no to diets that cut out entire food groups. Your body is designed to function at an optimal level by eating a variety of foods. Cutting out an entire group can cause severe health issues, such as malnutrition or organ failure. Choose a diet that balances grains, protein, dairy, and fruit and vegetables. Your body needs these nutrients to function.

Avoid Crash Diets or Pills - If your diet comes in a box, it's probably not the healthiest option. Most diet pills and supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so use them with extreme caution. Avoid stimulant medications and crash "cabbage –soup" types of diets. You may lose weight quickly, but it will come back as soon as you're off the diet or supplement.

Use these guidelines to develop a diet plan that's right for you. Avoid unhealthy calorie restrictions, cutting out entire food groups, or diet pills. Take the time to consult a medical professional and tailor a diet to meet your caloric needs. You’ll be able to lose weight, and keep it off effectively, if you use a combination of diet and exercise to do so.

This article entitled "Dying to Lose Weight Why Kill Yourself" is not medical advice. It should not be used as or substituted as medical advice; from a medical professional. This article is for informational purposes only.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Drinking Water And Weight Loss Does It Work

Is there a link between drinking water and weight loss? Yes and one that has been scientifically proven. Drinking water with or after food helps to bulk out our food, sending messages to the brain to say that we are full so we will eat less. Water also helps in aiding the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our food. For example, fat needs water in order to be broken down and used by the body. Water also helps to flush out the waste material in our bodies and thus helps keep us in optimum health.

So how much should you be drinking and when. You should aim to drink at least 2 litres of water a day, more on hot days.  You should spread your consumption throughout the day. There is no need to drink bottled water as in most areas tap water is perfectly safe.  If you do prefer the bottled variety, steer clear of the flavoured ones. These products contain sweeteners which do not help with weight loss and may be carcinogenic.

If you do not drink sufficient water, you will feel lethargic, tired and confused. Your body may misinterpret your feelings of thirst as hunger and thus you can over eat. In fact by the time you feel thirsty your body is already starting to dehydrate hence why you should drink regularly. You may find that initially you have to go to the bathroom more often but your body will soon adapt to the increased volume.

Drinking water on its own won’t win your weight loss battle. You need to make changes in other areas as well including your diet and the level of exercise you undertake. You should aim to be doing at least twenty minutes of exercise per day.  Walking 10,000 steps per day is one good way to get those calories shifted.

Any form of exercise is good for you so try to do something you enjoy. Get a group of friends together to play tennis or golf. Mixing socialising with exercise is a great way to increase your physical activity. Small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, standing instead of sitting down and getting off the bus/subway at the stop before yours also helps.

There is no point in drinking loads of water and taking exercise if you are still eating fast food every day. You need to retrain your palate and make your diet healthier. Do it gradually. Replace your favourite bad food with something healthy.  Swap your chicken nuggets for a salad.  Increase your fruit and vegetable consumption while decreasing the amount of cakes, candy and bad fats you eat. Not only will you lose weight but your skin will love you too.

The link between drinking water and weight loss will also help to give you glowing skin and you will soon become the envy of your friends when you show off your new slimmer figure at the next social occasion.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Does Pilates Work Millions Say Yes

Does Pilates work, even if you’re terribly out of shape?  Does it work if you’ve had an injury, or you have bad knees?  Millions of people have discovered that Pilates seems to be good for whatever ails you. It may not be a miracle cure for every ailment, but ask anyone who’s been doing Pilates regularly, “Does Pilates work?”  You’re bound to get a resounding, “Yes!”

Pilates stared out as an exercise only wealthy people could afford, because it was done on an expensive machine called a Reformer. Joseph Pilates designed the machine to be used for over a hundred different movements. Each movement uses your body’s weight as resistance, and offers equal intensity through both sides of each movement, to work opposing muscle groups equally.

Does Pilates work to help strengthen muscles?  Yes, and it does so without building muscle bulk that body builders go for. Because the movements don’t have to be repeated many times for you reap the full benefits, there’s no bulky muscle building involved. Rather, Pilates lengthens and tones the muscles, which actually makes them smaller and denser.

Do the exercises work if you’ve had an injury?  Pilates is renowned for helping prevent injury! And even those who’ve already suffered back, knee and joint injuries can find the slow and soothing movements of Pilates will help strengthen the muscles around those joints. It’s a low impact workout, so there’s no strain or pressure put on joints. This minimizes the risk of someone injuring themselves again.

Will it really help you improve your posture like you’ve heard?  Because Pilates strengthens the core muscles of the abdomen and lower back, the entire body is better supported. This can help someone who’s been doing Pilates workouts walk taller and hold themselves straighter.

Does Pilates work to improve all the body’s systems?  While this might seem to be a far-fetched claim, think about all that Pilates does. It strengthens the muscles while toning and trimming them. It strengthens the core muscles that support not only the spine but surrounds the body’s organs and holds them firm. So not only is posture improved, but because the entire abdominal wall is stronger, it offers more support for your internal organs.

People who do Pilates benefit from the deep breathing of the exercises and the controlled breathing and movement. So not only are your organs better supported, breathing is improved which helps put more oxygen into your bloodstream. It’s starting to get easier to see how Pilates can improve your overall health, isn’t it?

Does Pilates work if you’re really out of shape?  Yes!  The beauty of Pilates is that it doesn’t take long, gruelling workout sessions to see benefits. A person who hasn’t exercised in a long time can start out doing just 5 or 10 minutes of Pilates movements at a time.

Because of the great strengthening benefits of Pilates, even a beginner can increase the time spent working out quite rapidly. Does Pilates work?  Try it yourself, and you’ll be able to answer that much faster than you think!

Monday, 17 August 2015

Do You Want to Lose 6 Pounds Quickly

Do you want to lose 6 pounds quickly?  While many diets are geared at people who want to lose 20 pounds or more, the plan I'm presenting here will help you lose 6 pounds quickly – perhaps in just one week.

The first thing you want to do is clear out your pantry of all the foods that make you fat.  Clean out your refrigerator and throw things away.  Donate the packaged food in your pantry to a local food bank.
Then, go to the grocery store and buy the following sixteen things only:

1. Whole wheat bread
2. Tuna
3. Any and all fruits
4. Any and all vegetables
5. 8 oz. steak
6. Two chicken breasts
7. Salad vegetables
8. Balsamic vinegar
9. Special K Cereal
10. Skim milk
11. Brown rice
12. Instant oatmeal (not the sweetened packaged kind though)
13. Sliced turkey breast
14. 3 servings of fish
15. Low fat yoghurttuna,chicken,salad,brown rice,eggs,
16. Eggs

Using these foods as the basis for your diet, write out a diet plan for the next seven days.  After that, you will be fully committed to sticking to it.  Part of the motivation for clearing out your kitchen ahead of time is that there will not be any food that you can “cheat” with.

Next, you want to get a pedometer and make sure that you walk at least 10,000 steps each day.  That may seem like a lot, but here are some ways that you can get extra steps in.

1. Park far away from the front door of your work or a store.  Not only will you get extra steps in, but you will have a much easier time parking.
2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  If you work above the fourth floor, get off of the elevator at least two floors early and walk the rest of the way.
3. When you have to contact a colleague at work, don’t phone or email them, walk over to their office or desk.
4. If you take the bus or other form of mass transportation, get off a stop or two early and walk.
5. Walk the dog.  If you don’t have a dog, volunteer to walk the neighbours dog.
6. Take a walk before dinner.  Not only will you increase the number of steps you take that day, but a walk before dinner will water,reduce your appetite.

Finally, try to drink at least eight, 8 ounce glasses of water each day when you are trying to lose weight.  You can do this by drinking one litre of water at work and another litre at home.  If you don’t like water plain, it is okay to substitute unsweetened iced tea or sugar free lemonade or punch.

It is possible to lose 6 pounds in a week.  Try radically altering your diet, walking more, and drinking a substantial amount of water.  It’s not a lifetime that you will be restricted to this plan, it’s just a week.  And, you’ll be able to lose 6 pounds in that time.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Do I Need A Weight Loss Boot Camp

With the success of various weight loss entertainment programs, a lot of people are starting to believe that they need to attend a weight loss boot camp. This is simply not true. Unless there is a medical reason why you cannot lose weight, a calorie controlled diet and an exercise program will make you lose weight.
Don’t think about being on a diet. Instead say to yourself that you are following a healthy eating program. Your mindset is probably the most important factor when determining your chances of losing weight. If you believe you will do it, the weight will come off. If you have doubts, you might as well give up now.

Start by educating yourself as to what foods you should be eating more of and the foods that should be consumed on special occasions only. We all know that eating crisps, chips, cakes and biscuits are not going to help us lose weight. But did you know that you actually should be eating more fat in your diet. What?  You want to lose weight and I tell you to eat more fat. Well it is true, you should be increasing the amount of Omega 3 and 6 in your diet. Good sources are oily fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. You need these fats to provide vital vitamins and minerals in your system but also to stop you becoming depressed.

Weight loss boot camps are not the answer to your long term weight loss. Education and exercise are the way forward. Knowing what you can eat and when will help resolve your weight problems. A good habit to get into is not to eat any starchy carbohydrates after 5pm.

I am not suggesting you never eat foods from the carbohydrate group – any diet that prohibits a complete food group is not a healthy eating plan and should be avoided. But it is a good idea not to eat bread, pasta or potatoes in the evening until you reach your weight loss goal and then only occasionally. Excess calories produced by carbohydrates are stored as fat and as you generally sleep at night; you don’t get the chance to burn off the excess. You will not go hungry as you can fill up on lean meat, vegetables and fruit. You should notice less bloating and increased levels of energy by following this one simple tip.

Drink more water. Most people do not drink sufficient water and often interpret thirst for hunger. If you have recently eaten and still feel “hungry”, try drinking some water. You should aim to drink at least 2 litres of water a day. It will help your energy levels as well as your diet.

Losing weight isn’t rocket science. Follow the above tips, buy a decent diet book and learn to cook your own food from fresh every day. Soon your weight issues will be a thing of the past and you will not be considering weight loss boot camps.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Discover The Importance Of A Healthy Diet And Exercise

Just hearing the terms “work out” or “exercise” causes many people to cringe. Yet it is a proven fact that exercise is an important concept for a healthy body and diet routine. Dieting alone will help anyone lose weight, but they must include exercise and working out; as part of the regime to maintain the weight loss and healthy body.

Learning to incorporate an exercise program, as easy as walking daily, will increase your weight loss with a healthy diet. Since many people are stationery for most of their day, adding the exercise to their lives will increase the benefits of the diet. Increasing the amount of activity increases the effects of the healthy eating habits.

Eating a healthy diet with a plan rich in protein, good carbohydrates, grains, Omega-3, and low fat foods is necessary for a serious dieter. Adding fresh vegetables and fruits to the diet provides the essential nutrients to the body. Removing the condiments and fried foods from the diet also is a great way to improve the eating habits.

Avoiding sugary and fatty foods in the diet will increase weight loss when including regiments of walking, jogging, swimming, and riding a bicycle. A healthy diet with exercise creates a healthy life style that will provide long-term weight management as well as a healthier body that is resistant to diabetes, heart disease, and other health complications.

Add water to the daily diet. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water to keep the body hydrated and flush out the toxins and fat from the body. The body needs water to have healthy lungs, kidneys, liver, hair, nails, bones, and teeth. Water in the diet also helps the person feel full (temporarily) and removes the urges to eat to relieve the feelings of hunger.

Avoid caffeine in coffee, tea, and sodas. The caffeine is not a good chemical for the body. Many feel caffeine energizes them but in reality, it actually causes fatigue when the levels drop thus creating weight gain due to the lack of energy to be active.

The more a person is active the more they will lose weight. They will have more energy, from the higher levels of exercise, which will then cause them to burn the stored fat. Losing the stored fat decreases the weight and provides a better looking body for many people.

Using a healthy diet combined with exercise and workouts can become a standard way of life, leading to a longer life span and a healthier body; that can fight off diseases and even the common cold. The well-maintained body is able to fight off heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. People have changed their lives with a healthy diet, a good exercise program; consequentily adding more productive years to their life span.

Friday, 7 August 2015


Zumba Combines Calorie Burn with Lots of Fun

Seeking a calorie incinerator that’s both helpful and fun?  Zumba is the workout for you!
Zumba is a Latin-style based workout with easy-to-follow dance steps to Spanish-style beats.  This makes the workout fun - but what really makes it great is that it burns anywhere from 600-1000 calories per hour alone. 

The word ‘Zumba’ derives from a Columbian phrase that means to move quickly and have fun.  Zumba uses exciting and up-beat music with a cardiovascular exercise regimen.  This creates aerobic dancing that is easy to learn, burns lots of calories, and tons of fun. 

Zumba is becoming increasingly popular with people of all ages and sizes.  When dancing during a Zumba class, it’s so easy to forget that you’re even burning any calories.  This makes you able to exercise longer and, in turn, burn more calories.

If you’re wondering what exactly a Zumba class is like, it’s a combination of many things. It last about an hour to an hour and a half and it intertwines several different dancing styles. 

The most popular are salsa, reggae, mamba, and meringue. Depending on what kind of instructor you get, he or she may or may not incorporate belly dancing into the class as well - which helps tone up your abs.

Although Zumba is super-fun and high energy, don’t think that it will be easy by any stretch of the imagination.  Zumba is a full body workout and you’ll feel it the next day.  If you have a lot of energy and enjoy learning dance moves, this is the fitness regimen for you.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

What’s the Difference Between Aerobic Exercise and Anaerobic Exercise?

Find yourself in limbo every time your trainer tells you to make sure you do anaerobic exercise this weekend?  You aren’t the only one confused by the different types. There are many differences between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. 

The scientific definition of aerobic is “with oxygen,” and anaerobic means without oxygen.  Don’t take these definitions literally and stop holding your breath! When doing an anaerobic exercise, your body must rely on energy-creating repetitions of exercise that don’t need extreme quantities of oxygen.   This makes anaerobic exercise very brief and very fast.

Aerobic exercise tones muscles and burns fat.  Aerobic exercise gives you a stronger heart, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.  It makes your legs and calves more toned, which will make you look great in your little black dress.  It also makes that size 6 polka-dot bikini you’ve been trying to squeeze into obtainable.

Anaerobic exercise makes your bones stronger.  Anaerobic exercise also increases your speed and power, as well as giving you increased muscle mass and strength (for all you body builders out there). 

It’s crucial that you know the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise.  This way, when your trainer asks what aerobic exercise workouts you did over the weekend, you can tell him – but more important, you’ll know that you’re giving your body exactly what it needs to achieve optimal health! 

Examples of aerobic exercise are running, skiing, rowing, swimming, or even doing an exercise video.  Some great examples of anaerobic exercise are tennis, lifting weights, jumping (jumping jacks count), and/or sprinting.

Monday, 3 August 2015

What’s the Best Exercise to Burn Belly Fat?

There are many exercises that people claim to be the best exercise to burn belly fat but which really are?  There are two in particular that have been proven to be the best exercises to burn belly fat.

The best exercise to burn belly fat that is super-fun and comes naturally is dancing! Put your dancing shoes on, set your iPod to shuffle, and work it out.  Belly dancing videos are a great way to burn that unwanted belly fat. 

Think of it this way - a 180 pound person will burn approximately 386 calories for every hour that they dance.  If you are even heavier, you will burn even more calories than that.

Beware of crunches - they are great for toning up your belly, but you can’t tone fat.  Doing 3,000 crunches a day won’t burn half as much belly fat as something like belly dancing.  Once you lose most of the fat in your belly, then you can start doing crunches to tone your muscles underneath.

Another great exercise to burn belly fat is with playing tennis.  Tennis serves as a great workout because it works your core body.  The core of your body is your abs and lower back muscles. 

These muscles are the ones doing all of the work to hit the tennis ball hard and far.  Your core doesn’t just keep you balanced as you run from place to place on the court but it provides you with an extra boost of power in all of the strokes. You’re constantly in motion on the court, and you get a great belly fat busting workout while having fun.

If you were wondering “What’s the best exercise to burn belly fat?” give these two workouts a try.  Remember, these activities may help you burn the fat, but in order to keep it off, you must learn to eat right and do these exercises regularly.